
moving on

a happy person is not always happy indeed. day by day you make everyone believe there's nothing wrong and that you're conpletely okay when in reality you're broken. people call it courage but for me it's all pride. a person with a strong personality and a hard facade is a person who has a very soft and sensitive spot. most of the time these people are those who have been through a lot of bad stuffs. well, sometimes, it takes only a few moment of sadness to turn a sweet person into being a cold hearted one and sometimes even a lot of hardships and sufferings wont change a person's perspective in life. it really depends on the situation and how a person will face every hard situation.

in every hard situation there are two choices, swallow it or let it swallow you.

when you're suffering in a bad situation and you let every bad thing swallow your whole being, it will just put you into a madness. the madness will give you bitterness and when the madness fade the memories behind the madness will continue to haunt you down. these memories will affect you and your whole being. every choice you make will be different. that's because you already learned things about life. this will now limit your decisions and your moves. every mistake from your past will forever be within you and use it everytime you have to decide for things. it will limit your life! it wil change your personal relationships and your personality. when you let every memory from the past swallow you, you'll never move on.

so what will you do? will you swallow it and let everyone step on you or let it swallow you even though it will limit your life.?

well, i learned a lesson in how i met your mother and here's what the future Ted said.
you can just let it go

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